YouTube for iOS, supercharged with @dayanch96 YouTube Plus (ex. YTLite) and several other tweaks.
Youtube Plus: YouTube tweak providing no ads, background playback, customizable navigation and tab bars; includes Advanced mode with over 50 additional options for enhanced customization.
iSponsorBlock: Skips annoying sponsor ads inside videos. iSponsorBlock is based on SponsorBlock engine. Basically, this is the iOS version of the SponsorBlock extension.
YouPiP: Enable YouTube's native PiP. More options are in YouTube Settings => General.
YTUHD: Unlock VP9 codec and in effect, enables video quality of 2K and 4K. You can configure YTUHD in YouTube's Settings - Video quality preferences.
Return YouTube Dislike: Brings back Dislike counts under YouTube videos using ReturnYoutubeDislike's API.
YTClassicVideoQuality: Brings back the old video quality selector, which is a lot better than the new one.
YTNoHoverCards: Offer an option to enable/disable the annoying suggested videos show up at the end of the videos.
YTABGoodies: Allow you to disable some YouTube A/B testing features. It is a combination of several tweaks, such as YouAreThere, YouRememberCaption, and YTNoCheckLocalNetwork.
NOYTPremium: Remove YouTube Premium upsell alerts.
YTSpeed: Add 2.25x to 5x playback speed options in the video player.
YTMiniplayerEnabler: Enable Miniplayer for all YouTube videos.
DontEatMyContent: Prevent the notch/Dynamic Island from munching on 2:1 video content in YouTube.
YTShortsProgress: Always enable progress bar and scrubbing in YouTube Shorts (iPhone only).
YTABConfig: Allow user to control over YouTube A/B testing flags.
YouMute: Mute/unmute videos in the YouTube Video Player directly.
LowContrastMode: Makes the YouTube Interface Low Contrast as possible to make it easier on the eyes.
YTNoShorts: Disable YouTube Shorts.
BigYTMiniPlayer: Enable a bigger YouTube Miniplayer.
Change Log
• Updated Youtube from 19.32.6 to 19.34.2
• Updated YTLite from 4.0.1 to 5.0.1
Issues in this Release:
• Touches will not work while bypassing startup popup
• LowContrastMode does not work (Compatible only with YouTube v17.33.2-v17.38.10)
19.34.2 (5.0.1)
Last Updated
September 2, 2024